The WEBS Retreat!

I am excited to be invited to teach for WEBS’ Fall knitting retreat!  It will be held at the UMass Amherst campus and will run from September 19-22.  You can register here: (  or email (, or call 413-577-8102 for guidance.

Here is the retreat brochure:

This is a very popular event and although the classes are filled, I read that the organizers find many changes can occur between now and mid-September, so getting on the waiting list is another option.  The cost covers all your meals (from Thursday dinner to Sunday brunch), a room at the Hotel UMass, two days of classes to choose from, six different instructors to choose from, and an after-hours jaunt to WEBS for shopping, transportation included.  I’ll be teaching the Top Down Arans class and the Icelandic Lopapeysa pullover.

There will be “Late Night Knitting” too, which is a time for visiting, getting a cocktail, and eating snacks and desserts. Oh yes, and knitting!  It sounds like a fun time and I can’t wait!