Here are some of the photos from past retreats!
October 31- November 3, 2019: The Icelandic Lopapeysa
We all gathered on Halloween for the welcome dinner. The house was decorated and some of us dressed for the occasion!

Witch Beth!
Kelly made yummy appetizers!

Spooky decorations!

Yummy Apps…
Here is the wonderful class who worked so tirelessly, including our massage therapist, Melissa! And the products of their efforts are at right, below.

The students made beautiful Lopi sweaters!
The beloved Icelandic yoked sweater made of Lopi yarn was the focus of this retreat. The Lopapeysa samplers were worked from the bottom up, and included patterning at the cuffs and sweater bottom as well as in the circular yoke. Many opted to create short row shaping for the neckline as well.
September 2019: Swedish Twined Knitting– Texture, Color, and Sock Techniques
This retreat was a compilation of many Tvåändsstickning, or twined knitting techniques.
June 2019: Maine Mittens- Glorious patterning!
We all had a grand time at this Maine Mitten retreat and so many beautiful mittens were made! It was a challenge to integrate the different motifs with the cuffs and the thumb gussets, while also considering how to decrease attractively at the mitten tip and thumb.
These are some of the beautiful mittens made at this retreat: