Textured Twined Fingerless Mitts

Class Description

Learn the fascinating 400-year-old Swedish technique of Tvåändsstickning, (Two-End Knitting), or Twined Knitting by creating one of a pair of fingerless mitts.  Working in the round, two yarns are used to create this beautiful, elastic fabric, but they are not stranded!  The yarns are continuously wrapping around each other taking turns in the front or back of the work, to make the motifs. Once you understand the movements, the knitting becomes almost meditative and soothing.

The typical gauge for traditional Twined Knitting is high, usually 8 stitches to the inch or more. I teach a lot of twined knitting classes and have found that students meet with better success and less frustration initially if they begin with a lower gauge, such as working with worsted-weight yarn.

Techniques Learned

The techniques covered include: twine knitting, twine purling, the crook stitch, the “O” stitch, reading a chart, and the Chain Path, the twined knitted increase, an asymmetrical thumb gusset, and traditional motifs.  The Herringbone Braid is an optional addition.

Length: 6 hours

Level: Intermediate.  Must be comfortable with double-pointed needles or working with two circulars.  Ability to knit English style is very helpful, but not required.

Supply List

  • Yarn- No single-ply yarns!
    Around 4 oz. light-colored worsted weight yarn for two mitts.  Yarn MUST be wound into a center pull ball.
  • 1 oz. contrasting yarn of the same weight.  Heathers and fuzzy yarns obscure the patterns.  Four-ply yarns show the textures best.
  • Needles:  One set of 7″ long (approximately) double-pointed needles, US size 6 (4 mm)
  • Extras: Tapestry needle, stitch markers, waste yarn for holding stitches, magnetic board, or sticky notes for keeping one’s place on the chart.


Main color yarn MUST be wound into a center pull ball with the two ends accessible before class.

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