How to Download a DVD on my Site


Thank you for purchasing one of my DVDs, either the Gansey DVD or the Color Stranding DVD. This guide will help you navigate Gumroad, the space where my two DVDs live. (If you are trying to purchase my Sanquhar Glove DVD, you will be taken to the Interweave site where that DVD lives when you click on the image of that DVD.)

  1. Here is my page where you can purchase the DVD, by clicking the button that says “Buy Product”.

2. That button takes you to this page on Gumroad where you can tell Gumroad you want to purchase the DVD.

Click “I want this!”

3. This window will then appear where you can input your credit card information. Once you put your credit card number and expiration date in, click the button that says “Pay”.


























4. A new window will appear.  These show all the documents and videos to be downloaded. Click on the “Download all” button or click individual buttons for each item.  I suggest reading the Start Here Guide and saving them all to one folder. You can move them to your iPad through DropBox or if you purchase the DVD ON your iPad, it will automatically download to that location.

5.  This is your confirmation of the sale and you can also access the files by clicking on “View Content”.

























6. This is your receipt AND YOUR LICENSE KEY!   Save it!  You can always access the files on Gumroad again if you have that.  Thank you for purchasing my DVD and enjoy your videos!