LECTURE: Scandinavian Sweater Construction Techniques



Lecture Description:

This lecture surveys the different methods used to construct sweaters in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, focusing on the Danish Skrå-trøje, the Norwegian Fana Cardigan, The Swedish Ullared, The Danish Nattrøje, the Norwegian Setesdal Lusekofte, and the Swedish North Halland Red and Black Man’s Pullover.  After looking at slides of various sweaters taken during my numerous trips to Scandinavia, students will be able to see sweaters made with the techniques presented.   Techniques to be covered include knitted sleeve facings, sewing by machine and cutting the knitting, construction of buttonbands and attached facings, the Swedish half gusset, cuffs of Tvåändssticking, the neck gusset, surface design, applying felt and braids to the garment, and more!

Length:  1 hour

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